Treść (rozbudowana)
Research directions
- ultra-fast DC and AC circuit breakers and surge arresters,
- energy-saving systems and storage devices for the use of electricity,
- electric arc plasma theory,
- phenomena in electrical contacts,
- electrodynamics of electric devices,
- applications of computer science in science and economy.
Topics of basic research
- theory of switching and contact phenomena,
- switching off in a vacuum of direct currents,
- synchronized switching off of alternating currents,
- arc plasma theory and diagnostics,
- interaction of arc plasma and magnetic fields,
- computer simulation of electromagnetic interactions in electrical devices,
- computer-aided apparatus design,
- metal oxide varistors,
- energy efficiency of smart buildings.
Topics of applied research
- Topics of applied research new methods of limiting short-circuit currents and switching overvoltages,
- ultra-fast DC and AC circuit breakers,
- contact, semiconductor and hybrid switching devices,
- ultra-fast circuit breaker drives,
- contact materials,
- testing of low-voltage apparatus and switchgears,
- electricity storage tanks for municipal customers,
- electricity management systems for municipal consumers,
- integration of HMS/BMS (Home/Building Management Systems) building management systems.