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Formal requirements

application for the diploma exam + statement (printout from the website
4 photographs (format 4.5 cm x 6.5 cm black and white in formal attire) for the diploma in Polish - the fee for the diploma is PLN 60
a copy of the diploma in English - additionally 1 photo and an additional payment of PLN 40 (PLN 100 in total)
original proof of payment for issuing the diploma
The student submits two copies of the diploma thesis printed on both sides, including one bound (both versions with a CD glued at the end of the work in a pdf file that allows you to search for words in the content. The file name should be: album number_name_surname_mgr (or _eng. The last pages of the thesis should include: - a statement on the rules for checking the originality of the thesis in the anti-plagiarism system - a statement on the independent execution and originality of the thesis - a statement on the compliance of the electronic version of the thesis with the presented computer printout - originality control protocol thesis (with the signature of the diploma thesis supervisor) - opinion on the originality of the diploma thesis (required if the thesis originality control report contains a point that the thesis may contain unauthorized borrowings). Two summaries must be placed before the statements: in Polish and English. title page on the topic of work in English. in Polish, the subject of the thesis should also be written in English. English. The work should also include keywords both in Polish (immediately after the abstract) and in English (after the abstract section). The maximum number of keywords is 5.

An anti-plagiarism printout must be attached to each diploma thesis.
The discs should be signed as the file named inside, i.e. album number_name and surname_mgr or inż.

Treść (rozbudowana)